Wreath Fundraising

Wreath Fundraising: What It Does

Wreath fundraising is the only time of the year that my troop, Troop 441, can fundraise to get money to help fund our adventures. We have a variety of wreaths, with a 28” wreath and 22” wreaths. We also offer centerpieces and little reindeer.

**Please note that the page with the red header is direct delivery, and should be considered if you don’t live in/ near Scottsdale, Arizona. Shipping is only provided to the continental USA.**


How to Place an Order

In order to place an order for you or another loved one:

1) Navigate to the website by clicking on the button below.

2) Select the item that you want.

3) Click the three lines at the top of the page, and click cart.

4) Enter all your information, and at the bottom, where it says “Credit my order to”, click my name, Alex Tran, which is the second to last name on there.

5) You are done, and the wreath will be delivered to you by or around December 7th.